As of April 2018, the Technical Working Group and the Health, Safety, and Communications Working Group merged into one Working Group.

Chere Driver Jordan, Resident CAG Member
Eileen San Pedro, Resident CAG Member

Link to Working Group Minutes

Goals of the Technical Components of the Working Group:

  • To enhance the “engineering design literacy” or education of the CAG membership and the Eastwick community regarding engineering design issues of interest or potential concern.
  • To facilitate the broader understanding of complex environmental design concepts and to disseminate technical information in a way that allows the CAG membership and the Eastwick community to make informed recommendations to US EPA as they relate to the remediation of the LDCA Superfund site (e.g., the leachate treatment wetlands, the evapotranspiration cap, etc.).
  • To provide focused and specific input to US EPA (and other partner agencies) as requested on engineering design issues specifically related to the remediation of the LDCA Superfund site.

Link to the former Technical Working Group Minutes.

Goals of the Health, Safety, and Communications Components of the Working Group:

Assist the CAG Leadership Team by designing plans and approaches to address issues of interest or potential concern, regarding the LDCA Superfund site, through a robust program or communication, outreach and information to both CAG members and the broader Eastwick community. Examples include, but are not limited to the following activities:

  • Assist the CAG Leadership Team to provide members with up-to-date, timely, and easy-to-understand information about all ELDCA CAG activities, as well as communications with US EPA and other partner agencies regarding activities at the LDCA site.
  • Assist the CAG Leadership Team by designing plans and approaches to enhance the environmental health literacy, or understanding, of the CAG membership, and the broader Eastwick community, regarding all aspects of the LDCA site cleanup, including important health and safety issues of interest or potential concern.
  • Assist the CAG Leadership Team by designing plans to circulate or distribute site-related information provided by EPA, other partner agencies, expert resource members, and other parties deemed appropriate by the LT, related to activities at the LDCA site.
  • Provide focused input to US EPA (and other partner agencies) as requested on key issues and topics associated with site remediation, including, but not limited to, health and safety issues specifically related to the redemption of the LDCA site.
  • Assist the Leadership Team to create and maintain appropriate avenues and vehicles (above and beyond CAG monthly meetings) for CAG members to express their views and raise questions about LDCA site activities in a non-confrontational environment where opinions can be presented and discussed.
  • Assist the Leadership Team to implement specific activities (above and beyond CAG meetings) designed to provide members of the broader Eastwick community to chance to learn about what is happening at the site in a timely manner; and to ask questions of, and provide input to, the ELDCA CAG, EPA or other partner agencies regarding activities at the LDCA site.

Link to the former Health, Safety, and Communications Working Group Minutes

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